Fort Severn Fish Derby 2006

Fort Severn had another successful mini fishing derby on Saturday June 10, 2006.

Here are the results.

BIGGEST TROUT by weight sponsored
by the hockey club.

1st. Levi Bluecoat 6.51 lbs. ($300.00)

2nd Owen Miles 4.74 lbs ($200.00)

3rd John Semotok (Dentist) 3.78lbs. ($100.00)

4th Charlie Gray 3.76 lbs. (Knife set of five and Hachet with
Knife.)-Donated by the Washaho store

5th Tommy Miles 3.45 lbs (Camping Stove)-Donated by the Northern Store

Hope every one had FUN !! 
Thanks for the donation. Washaho Store and the Northern Store

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